Proposing to your sweetheart should be well thought out and planned. It should create a good story that can be told and re-told to your kids, etc. Keep in mind your fiance’s personality; i.e., if she doesn’t like to be embarrassed then don’t put her on the spot; if she’s outgoing then something public might be fun. Traditionally, you should have the ring to do your proposing with. Whatever you do, make it memorable! And make it “you”.
Here’s a story of one of our customer’s (we’ll call him Mr. X) experiences that was not planned but definitely memorable:
Mr. X had dated this girl pretty seriously (even to the point of looking at rings), but because of his lack of commitment, they quit dating. Three months went by and Mr. X decided he was a fool not to marry her. So he came into our store to get the ring they had looked at three months prior. He said he wanted to buy it and go propose to her. We knew something was very wrong because that very morning, Mr. Y, a suitor, had been in with Mr. X’s girl. They had picked out the same ring, which was now on hold awaiting an imminent commitment from Mr. Y. We told Mr. X about Mr. Y. Panicked, Mr. X hurried back to campus, went straight into the middle of her physics class, and proposed on the spot. She looked at him with a mixture of indignation, frustration, and anger, and said, “Damn you Mr. X!” Within the week Mr. X was happily engaged to her, and they are married, 25 years!
Tie the ring to a single rose and have it delivered to her during a date.
Temple Square
In the temple (if you’re both returned missionaries!)
Serenade (If you have the voice!)
In a canoe or rowboat on a serene lake
Freeze the ring in the middle of an ice cube and have it served to her with dinner.
Carefully break open a fortune cookie, put the ring and have your proposal inside, and then carefully glue it back together.
Have the ring served as “dessert” at the end of a romantic meal.
Propose on the Heber Creeper.
Go on a picnic together and serve it with the “hors d’oeuvres”.
Send her an invitation to something and propose in a subordinated clause like, “Would you please go to the movies with me Friday and will you marry me too?”
Send her on a disguised treasure hunt, like successive notes telling her where you are and to meet you there (always apologizing profusely in each note for the inconvenience).
Go on a scavenger hunt together and have someone give her a ring at the door instead of what she asked for.
Knight in shining armor on a white horse.
At the zoo, come out of a vending machine.
Write out proposal on her lawn in the night with tootsie pops stuck in the ground.
Way Crazy
Propose while bungee jumping.
Go up in a plane and have your proposal written huge on the ground in a corn field, etc.
Go fishing and pull it out of your tackle box as a “lure”.
Scuba diving (don’t drop the ring!).
Have a fake news team accost her with questions about her love life with you like she is a celebrity.
Scavenger hunt on the Internet.
Seek Professional Help Immediately
Have your proposal on the Sony Jumbotron at a Jazz game
Skydiving (don’t drop it!).
Have her stopped by police, citation for stealing your heart – you’re in police car hiding until the right moment when you appear with the ring!
For some, a public display of affection is the ultimate intimate gesture. Most movie theaters will let you buy a slide that plays on screen before the feature. You can design your own and watch as the entire theater strains to see the lucky proposee’s astonished expression.
Convince the local theater to spell out your proposal on their marquee. Phrase it like a film title: “The Love of a Lifetime, starring (insert names here).”
Have your proposal painted on a billboard en route to her place of work. Park beneath it or await her arrival at work, armed with sparkling cider ready for toasting.
Take out a big ad in a newspaper you know your honey reads daily. Be nearby while she reads, lest you miss the look on her face!
Gather all your friends for a big softball game. Give the outfielders signs that spell your intended’s name and, “Will you marry me?” When she comes up to bat, signal them to display the signs. Tell your soon-be-fiancee that if she hits one out of the park, a different kind of diamond awaits her!
Make a list of ten reasons you’d like to marry your beloved. Read them to her in front of a crowd, have a singing telegram deliver them, or send them written on note cards one by one over the course of a day (or ten!), with the last card arriving via personal messenger (you!).
Create a web page declaring your love and intentions. Leave your sweetie a clue with the web address written on it- don’t say a word. After the proposal has been officially accepted (which of course it will be!), she can proudly send the page to friends and family
Speaking of paths, turn off all the lights in your apartment and make a trail of candles that leads to a circle of tea candles positioned around a ring.
Give your girlfriend a foot massage and place the ring on her little toe.
Send your sweetie on a treasure hunt. Start with a clue at home. Then send her on a tour of your favorite spots-all over town, or just around the house. When she gets to the last hint, the treasure should be you offering up a ring or other sentimental token. She won’t need another clue to figure out what you mean.
Sometimes the key isn’t how you pop the question, but where. Find a special place, maybe the classroom where you first met, or where you first kissed. A place that means something to both of you. Once you’re in position, just kneel and ask. Your honey will always remember that you remembered.
Tie a red velvet ribbon from one spot in your home to another. Attach little notes recalling perfect moments in your relationship along the way. You wait at the last stop, ring in hand.
Want to really surprise your sweetheart? Cut out the bottom of a big box, wrap it with pretty paper and ribbon, and attach a card that says “What’s inside the box is a gift to last a lifetime. “Deliver” yourself to her office or front door.
A surprise trip is sure to set the mood. Blindfolds and intricate secret plans are a must to increase the thrill factor. Once you’ve reached your destination, pop the question.
Food is a tempting addition to any successful proposal! Spell out, “Will you marry me?” in M&M’s, jellybeans, or Hershey’s Kisses on the kitchen table, or coffee table. Send her in to read it; when she says yes, you can toast your future with a mutual sugar rush.
Freeze the ring in a homemade Popsicle, and give your sweet two treats in one!
Surprise your honey with an intricate gift basket. Pile in yummy delicacies-the best chocolate, fruits, etc- but don’t limit yourself to food. You could also include silk slippers, a book or CD. Hide the ring among all these wonderful presents (in its box, so it doesn’t get lost in the goodies).
If you’re dining in a fancy restaurant, ask the wait staff to write, “Will you marry me?” in chocolate sauce around the rim of her dessert plate.
Serve a dinner at home and place the ring inside an oyster shell.
Make your intended breakfast. Propose to her while she feels ultra-cozy and pampered.
Let her see the kid in you
Draw a hopscotch board on the sidewalk and invite your honey out for a game. Once she has succumbed to a little childhood play, replace the pebble you’re using with the real rock!
Spell your proposal out in glow-in-the-dark star stickers on her bedroom ceiling. When she gets into bed and turns out the lights, wait for the inevitable phone call.
Write “Will You Marry Me?” on the underside of a kite, and take flight one warm, breezy afternoon.
Spell out your proposal with refrigerator magnets.
Scratch your proposal into the frost on her car’s windshield.
If it’s Easter season, paint one word each from the phrase “Will you marry me?” on four eggs and hide them with the rest, so she has to find them all to make a complete sentence! Definitely make “marry” the hardest egg to find. You can throw in other eggs with funny verbs painted on them to throw your egghead off- like kick, tickle, and love.
Hot ideas under the sun
Go to the beach with your honey of honeys. Casually build a sand castle (at a safe distance from the ocean!), and place the ring on the highest turret.
Go for a sunset sail and propose at sea.
If you’re vacationing in a warm place (or you live in a warm place, lucky dogs), tie the ring onto her bathing suit strap – or in the lacing of his surf shorts – and announce that you want to take the plunge! Tie it on securely!
While your beloved naps on the beach, sneak away and spell out your intention in seashells. Then go for an afternoon stroll and let the shells do all the work.
Take your darlin’ to the local Fourth of July fireworks show, and have someone announce your proposal before your whole town.
Gather your families together for a summer barbecue and make your proposal a family affair. Have a messenger bust into the party and announce he has a “special delivery” (the ring of course!)
Plan a scavenger hunt through a local park. Pack a picnic, and when you get to the park, send her along to find the first clue. Once she’s out of sight, make yourself the last clue in a romantic spot with ring in hand.
Invite Ms. Right to a private pool party and send the ring floating toward her on a raft. (Note: This doesn’t work in a Jacuzzi.)
For a truly classy approach: Write your proposal in sun-screen on your tummy, so that your tan will “stencil in” the words. She will be so touched you’ve taken such an, um, interesting approach, she will accept immediately.
Flying high
Tongue-tied? Hire a plane to fly a banner with your “Marry me (insert name here)” message written on it. Take your honey to a wide-open space – a beach, park, or stadium-and simply point.
Hire a plane to draw huge hearts and your initials in the sky. When your sweetie notices what the pilot is doing, tell her that your love was “heaven sent.”
Flower Power
Flowers always charm people- what else exists solely to look beautiful? (Except your fiancé, of course!) String the ring on a ribbon and use it to tie a bouquet of wonderful flowers (daffodils, tulips, lilies, or whatever reminds you her) together.
Go for symbolic power. Instead of the standard, albeit lovely, bouquet of roses, present her with a potted orchid. Put the ring beside the stem (in its box, so it doesn’t get lost in the Spanish moss). The orchid will last a long time, will always be regal, and will bloom time and time again (just like your love).
Plant a colorful window box of forget-me-nots for her. Write one word each from the phrase “Will you marry me?” On four garden markers.
Sneak into her home or office armed with rose petals. In the biggest letters space will allow, spell out, “Will you marry me?”
Awww, so sweet!
If it’s cold and snowy, build a snowman and set the ring box in his stick arms.
Propose in a different language, or lots of different languages- starting with French, the language of love.
Buy a baby animal that she has always wanted (bunny, kitten, puppy) and loosely tie the ring around its neck. Make a commitment to the pet and each other. Or, substitute a stuffed animal- still fuzzy, but less maintenance!
Play Hangman and have the phrase be “Marry Me.”
Good Luck!